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About Us

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UCW Florida (CWA Local 3165) is a union of Florida public sector higher education workers. Founded in 2021, UCW FL is a union open to all currently unrepresented employees at University of FL. We are part of a national union, the Communications Workers of America, which has over 500,000 union members across the country and many other public sector workers in FL. CWA also is home to a network of higher education workers, United Campus Workers, across the Southeast and Southwest fighting for social and economic justice in our institutions and communities. 

Get in touch with us here. 
Join us here. 

Chapter Mission Statements: 


UF Mission Statement: It is the mission of UF United Campus Workers to provide a voice and to defend all UF workers who are currently unheard and unheeded. We pledge to champion equity, solidarity, democracy, and the common good of the Campus Community.

Email:  [email protected] 
Discord Invite:
Twitter: @ucw_uf
Instagram: @ucw_uf


United Campus Workers-FAMU, empowers workers with a collective voice on the job. Together, we will strive to improve not just our jobs, but also the quality of life for all United Campus Workers at FAMU. To make collective demands of our employer, we must come together to fight for change on our campuses through building a democratic organization that belongs to us.

Email: [email protected]